You will never be everything your child needs. Be liberated in that now.
Just like your parents didn’t always (or maybe ever) show up in the exact way you needed them to. Just like your partner doesn’t magically contain all your missing puzzle pieces. No one here on earth has the ability to complete you. And you will never have the ability to contain absolutely everything that your child will need. ✨Breathe it in.✨
I fully expect my children to come to me when they are grown and tell me how I messed up. How there were moments and seasons that I didn’t see them, or hear them in the exact way they needed to be seen and heard. Moments when I just didn’t *get it*. I am expecting it and I welcome it in my role as their flawed guide. I understand that I am here to love them, and to help them navigate their soul’s path and the light and shadow they came here to embody. Maybe I’m even here to *contribute to* their shadow (a terrifying yet likely possibility) – trusting that it will, in some future day, lend itself to their light.
Still, despite all this, or maybe because of it, I am the exact right mother for them.
Still, I am enough.
Still, I am the mother my children need.
I trust my love for them and theirs for me. I trust their trust in me. I trust our purpose and our flawed togetherness,
walking each other through this terrible wonderful life,
contributors to our mutual becoming.