At a glance

Being a mother fascinates me - I am completely riveted by the role. I have had eight pregnancies and am raising four beautiful children. They delight me in the depth of their uniqueness. They are each forces who have taken me to a new edge over and over and over again. Every pregnancy, birth, and death, have been profound initiations into my evolution.

- After my fourth miscarriage, I found the eastern medicine of Sexual Alchemy and began studying it under Taoist Grandmaster Mantak Chia. The knowledge I gained helped me deeply heal my relationship with my body, specifically my reproductive organs after loss, and shortly after I was able to carry my last child to term. It's transformed my life and I love sharing the wisdom of these ancient teachings.

- I am an emotional Manifestor in Human Design (2/4) and an enneagram 9. I’m here to embody peace, and hold the vision for the new way to live and be and thrive. I am a paradigm shifter. A starter, with no need to be a finisher.

- I live in Eastern Idaho, and open my curtains to the Tetons every morning. Following a particularly difficult year, we felt pulled to move to this region and ended up making a last-minute purchase of our home, sight unseen. We found out later that the area is called Salem, meaning “Place of Peace” and how true it has been. Our time here has felt like a hug from God.

- The weirdest, most inappropriate aspects of my sense of humor are pretty much only known by my husband and siblings.

- Restful living is second nature to me.

- I am inspired by our children. Your children. My children. Ugh! They are the key. The wise elders of our new earth in little bodies. I gave birth to my eldest and was initiated into being able to SEE him so clearly - as a soul, unique from me, with his own blueprint by which to build his life. Intuitive, resourced, reciprocative motherhood is my sweet spot.

- I grew up on the band Chicago, and they're my karaoke of choice. I'm a millennial, but Chicago was my N’Sync.

- I think a comedy show, custom fitted to your sense of humor, is as deeply spiritually nourishing as a morning meditation with sound bowls.

- My favorite movie is About Time. That scene on the beach with the father and son?? Ugly cry. Every time.

- I love having my world-views challenged. I have a deep curiosity for all the mysteries and complexities and nuances of the universe. I think anything is possible. Not like in the Disney way, but in the way where I’m highly aware of how little our 5 (even 6) senses must be able to pick up. My library is filled with books on ancient medicine, eastern and native spirituality, and world religions. My hobbies mainly involve contemplating how the physical and spiritual realms interact and collide, the wisdom and intricacies of our body, of our Mother earth, of the emotional ancestry of our DNA, and also aliens, and ghost stories, and near death experiences, and how maybe when Jesus said to be like a little child, perhaps he was talking about returning to our innate knowing, and presence, and sense of humor, and wonder, and fullest expression, and curiosity, more than he was talking about being, like, obedient. This is my brain.

- The truest archetypes running through my soul are The Visionary, The Spiritual Seeker, and The Artist. Finessing and refinement and making art out of life is where I reside.

I have refused to live
locked in the orderly house of
reasons and proofs.
The world I live in and believe in
is wider than that. And anyway,
what's wrong with maybe?
You wouldn't believe what once or
twice I have seen. I'll just
tell you this:
only if there are angels in your head will you
ever, possibly, see one.

-Mary Oliver