Here we transcend the old way of womanhood and motherhood. Beyond depletion, beyond “this is just how life is”, beyond white-knuckled survival mode, beyond doing more, beyond beyond fixing, beyond constantly chasing enough-ness. Here we are welcoming in a new era of potent power:
nourishing relationships, illuminated identity, deep presence, grounded desire, and unshakable peace in every season.
No longer will you have to try to remember your identity with sticky notes on your mirror. You will *be* the walking reminder of identity.
Storyteller and seeker, delighted by the deep mysteries of the universe and the nostalgia of early 2000's sitcoms equally. I'm a God centered, Taoist trained, Mother of 4 -well acquainted with fertility issues and loss. I spent the first 30 years of my life in wounded feminine "people pleaser" energy, disconnected from my identity, my desires, my body, and my sexuality, until my life invited me to heal. My work here is in devotion to that healing - to calling women home to themselves, by increasing the depth to which they are connected to their bodies and the forgotten sacred power they were born with.
MORE ABOUT MEA woman so far removed from survival mode that she moves through her life positively DRIPPING with excess. Excess kindness, excess stillness, excess soul generosity. A woman so deeply connected to her innate genius, to her desires, to the celebration of her life, to her unwavering peace, and her eternally-resourced well of personal power, that her potency is literal medicine to any room she stands in. She lives in me. And you’re here, because she lives in you.
join meI have been on my own femininity and sexuality journey for the past 5-7 years. There was information in this course that I have never even heard of, and I was blown away by it. I loved every moment!
I’m blown away with all that I experienced in just 24 hours since taking this course. So many shifts. I’m so happy!
Sydney your course has amplified our relationship. There is now a level of energy between us I never knew could exist. I haven’t stopped thinking about your class, I don’t think you will truly ever know what you have done for our family.
“I have never felt so much love and connection to the Divine, to myself, my husband, my children, and to the world around me. It’s almost as if I finally discovered what womanhood truly is, I felt pleasure in being a woman, I felt pleasure in being me, I felt this value and worth in myself that I have never, ever felt to this depth before and the beauty of it all is that I didn’t have to DO anything. I just knew it! I could finally put down the self help books, the to-do lists, and just bask in the beauty of being a woman.”
Thank you for your work. I’m actually excited for the rest of my life!
To say that Sydney’s course was life-altering is no exaggeration. I live my life and love my people better than before, and it feels easier and more natural. I can’t begin to express how I grateful I am that she courageously took on this sacred topic very few are willing to tackle, and she has done so gracefully and respectfully. Truly a gift to the world.
I wanted to let you know that I have been implementing your teachings the last few weeks and my life has been changed. I literally feel like I have upgraded to a new timeline. And I can feel the changes in my husband as well, like I am blown away! It’s changed my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
This work is soul altering and truly life changing!!! My husband and I had been trying to figure out how we could help our adult children start their future better off than we did. Then I learned about this course. I instantly signed up myself and all three of my girls to attend and it was EXACTLY what my husband and I had been looking for. It felt like Sydney is awakening your soul to truth that you were born with. My girls and I walked away with such an empowered understanding of who we are and what we are here to do and BE. It is such an incredibly empowering experience that will completely and forever change how you view yourself, others, and even the world around you, in such a beautiful way!!
Because of Sydney, I am no longer the martyr of a woman I once was. She has shown me a higher, more complete version of myself. This work is transforming lives and homes and freeing women to step into their full and remarkable selves. I can’t express how grateful I am to Sydney for lighting the way.