There is rest for you here.
In receiving your life.
In noticing, on occasion, what you’ve accomplished.
In pausing to see the things you once wanted, now taking up space around you.
There is rest found in the appreciation of things as they are.
Appreciation of your body as it is right now and how it holds you in it and allows you to stretch your arms around the people you love.
Appreciation of the things bringing you pain that cannot help but also bring you wisdom and empathy and courage and new eyes and a new heart and a new perspective.
There is rest for those who can see that there is enough right now.
There is rest for those who can hold space for their desires and ambition, but a little more space for this moment that holds everything they need.
There is rest for those who can trust that it is safe to put more energy into receiving your life than into making it happen.
There is rest even when your body seems to never stop moving and your mind never stops asking questions.
There is rest in trusting your life – what it has brought you, where it will lead you, and where it holds you now.
There is rest for you HERE.