Without shoulds.Without comparison.Without outside voicestelling you that you are made for More without reminding you that you are made for Now.There is intimacy with…
Without shoulds.Without comparison.Without outside voicestelling you that you are made for More without reminding you that you are made for Now.There is intimacy with…
Image by Andrea Ahedo in the exact place of birth
Obie was born on my mom’s birthday. October 9th at 8:29 PM. She and my…
I had a conversation with God the other day.
I wondered
if our first parents became like God, ONLY in the very moment that they knew…
If you’ve seen any of my Instagram stories within the last week or so, then you probably have a good idea of what’s in…
Contained here are recent expressions, as well as some old and beloved posts from my retired blog, The Daybook.